Thursday, 11 July 2013

Update (from the July 2013 newsletter)

We have now reached the stage of applying for grant aid for the work on the well and surroundings; some of the diligent committee members are presently doing this very time consuming work. Funds are being raised in various ways from the big (Heritage Lottery Grant) to the small (Bingo Night, Big Breakfast and Afternoon Tea served to hikers  from the home of Adrian and Pamela in Church Walks, opposite the Church).

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Update (from the March newsletter)

At a recent meeting in early February, we were informed that only two queries are as yet unsettled regarding the lease. If these can be settled soon, we will be in a position to apply for a grant for the major part of the work.   Funds are needed at present for remedial work, and hopefully to start the grant application.  

The next big fund-raising event is to be held on  Saturday March 9th: 'A BIG BREAKFAST' to be held in the chapel vestry, from 10:30am to 1.00pm. An update of the work, photographs and maps of the project will be on view. Anybody who attended the last one will remember the fantastic value of £5.00 for adults and £2.50 for primary school pupils. 

Please make every effort to attend this community event.