Sunday, 3 March 2013

Update (from the March newsletter)

At a recent meeting in early February, we were informed that only two queries are as yet unsettled regarding the lease. If these can be settled soon, we will be in a position to apply for a grant for the major part of the work.   Funds are needed at present for remedial work, and hopefully to start the grant application.  

The next big fund-raising event is to be held on  Saturday March 9th: 'A BIG BREAKFAST' to be held in the chapel vestry, from 10:30am to 1.00pm. An update of the work, photographs and maps of the project will be on view. Anybody who attended the last one will remember the fantastic value of £5.00 for adults and £2.50 for primary school pupils. 

Please make every effort to attend this community event.